Members of: OOGA, PIOGA, and IOGA-WV

Engineering for Oil and Gas Include:
- E & S Plan design and reports
- NPDES permits and monitoring
- Sewage permits
- Pipeline design
- Recon visits for preliminary site selections
- Geotechnical/slope stability analysis and recommendations
- Construction observation during pad and pond construction
- Permitting and coordinating issues addressed by regulators
- Permit fee management
- Lease exhibit drawing for surface owner coordination

- Urban Area Mapping per O.R.C. Chapter 1501:9
- Rural Area Mapping
- Horizontal and vertical well plats with unit lease areas
- Gas Line Staking and right of way development
- GIS well inventory plats and wall spacing planning
- Transmission line layout
- Record drawing of completed construction
- Subsidence monitoring in coal mine and sensitive terrain
- Road bonding applications
- Winter road maintenance agreements
- DOT drive access permits to state routes
- 911 addressing management
- Complete ODOT design prequalification for highway and bridge design and inspections

- Wetland Delineations
- Wetland permitting for Section 404/401 and state permits
- Stream crossing and wetland clearance permitting
- Endangered and sensitive species protection reports
- Environmental Site Assessments

Wind Energy Support Services
- Permitting
- Map Preparation
- Full Civil and Surveying Services